Monday, November 9, 2009

Sick, Sick, Sick, Sick, Sick

Sorry, no pictures today.
We have all been sick this past week. It started out with the boys. They all seemed to have different symptoms of a sinus infection. So I took them all to the doctor(at the same time). I was proud of myself. They were all put on antibiotics and got to stay home from school.
Then, I got sick with what seemed to be the flu. Very gross! I can't remember ever being so sick. I'm extremely thankful that the boys have not shown any symptoms of the flu. I hate it when they vomit........on the floor, bed. etc.
And poor Greg has been SuperDaddy through the whole thing and he hasn't been feeling well either. He seems to have caught everything that we all had (even thought HE got his flu shot)and has managed to keep working. And "detailed" the house!!! The boy just won't take a day off.

We are looking forward to cub scout night at the Hockey Game and our trip to Gatlinburg in a few weeks.

Monday, November 2, 2009


We visited a few nursing homes and went trick or treating with Samuel. We had a great time

Jackson was IRON MAN, Noah was CAPTAIN AMERICA, Mikey was BUZZ LIGHTYEAR and Samuel was BATMAN!