This post took a bit longer to get up than I had originally planned. I took pictures and videos though. And since those are few and far between lately, I have to post them! Jackson had a Snow Day on the Friday before Valentine's Day. I wish I could have gotten Jack and Noah's discussion about Snow angels on video. I couldn't hear them talking but I watched Jackson stand right in front of Noah doing "Jumping Jacks"- in slow motion. Then he would point to the ground, wave his arms around some more,point, wave,and so on. When his demonstration was over, he was all ready for NOAH to be the guinea pig and try it out. But, Noah didn't fall for it. So,Jackson caved and made his first snow angel. It was really cute. The rest of their play was spent throwing snow balls. Micah was getting over a cold. So, he and I stayed inside. Where we were safe!!
For Valentines Day- I had to make over 50 cookie lollipops. I was only going to make 12 for noah's class, but then Jackson wanted some to take in addition the big bag of candy he talked me into buying. As if I don't have enough homework already, they both had to make or decorate their Valentine box! What happened to using a paper grocery bag that they decorate at school!!!?? Jackson had a little girl ask him to be his Valentine. He told her "no." She asked him several times and when she said please he agreed. But only because she kept "bugging" him about it.